Micropole-Univers, a European consulting and engineering company specialized in Business Intelligence, E-Business, CRM and ERP, attained a third-quarter consolidated turnover of 20.5 million euros, against 17.7 million euros in 2007, which represents 15.6% growth year-on-year.
This significant increase, achieved over a period which includes the summer vacation, is in line with the development objectives fixed by the company, and should be seen in the light of overall software service market growth estimated at between 5% and 7% for 2008. (Source: Syntec Informatique)
Micropole-Univers' aggregated turnover for 2008 stands at 66.7 million euros. Consequently, Micropole-Univers consolidates its sustained level of growth over 2008, with an increase in turnover of nearly 23% over the first three quarters, organic growth accounting for 20%.
Regarding 2008 financial year end prospects, in spite of a tough economic context with more restricted visibility, Micropole-Univers confirms its organic growth will be well above market levels.
Christian Poyau, President of Micropole-Univers states that "in an increasingly fast-moving environment, Micropole-Univers will continue to rely on its strong points, notably the quality of its market positioning based as it is on high value-added services."