Meeting the challenge of innovation without losing sight of our commitments

and our corporate social responsibility is the challenge we take up every day! Training, supporting, building and innovating while being ever more responsible are the main means we use to take action.

- Nathalie Le Saout
Director of Operations & Group CSR Manager

Our values, more than just beliefs

As a player committed to building a more responsible world, Micropole places its CSR policy at the heart of its strategy. This policy, committed to its clients and employees, is based on three fundamental pillars (the 3 Ps: People, Planet and Profit).


For the respect of social and human fundamentals

By promoting diversity and inclusion, advocating equality and improving the Quality of Life at Work (QWL).


For the respect of the ecosystems

By limiting our environmental impact and offering more respectful services.


For the respect of the ethics of companies

Respecting the rules of healthy competition and rejecting corruption.

In line with its values, Micropole is mobilized around its CSR policy and deploys numerous actions to achieve its ambitions.


Reducing our environmental footprint

  • Calculation of our greenhouse gas emissions and action plan to reduce them
  • Monitoring and reducing our water and energy consumption in our premises
  • Definition of an action plan to reduce our waste production
  • Implementing a transport policy: encouraging carpooling, prioritizing bicycle and train mileage allowances, acquiring "cleaner" vehicles

Training and awareness

  • Animation of workshops Digital fresco to explain the impacts of digital and possible solutions
  • Promotion of an internal Digital Responsibility Charter sharing digital sobriety practices
  • Creation of a Digital Responsibility training course

Supporting our clients in their transformations

  • Dissemination of good practices (limited use of photocopiers and printers, sorting)
  • Recycling of waste by a social enterprise
  • Water fountains supplied by the network and stop using single-use plastic cups
  • Awareness actions
Micropole is a signatory of Planet Tech'Care. Led by Numeum, Planet Tech'Care brings together a network of partners whose ambition is to support companies wishing to integrate digital technology into their environmental pathway and to support training providers in developing skills in responsible digital technology.
In parallel to the actions carried out with its employees and with a view to supporting its customers towards Responsible Digital Business, Micropole has created a community of committed experts - led by Cyrille Breton, Chief Sustainable Data Officer - to define and deploy proven methodologies and offers, for increasingly responsible services.

These actions have been rewarded for several years.

Gender equality index in 2023
average age
recruitments in 2023
Join Micropole, a group that places a dynamic and committed CSR policy at the heart of its development.