Levallois-Perret, October 18, 2018. Pursuant to Articles 241-1 et seq. of the General Regulations of the Autorité des marchés financiers, the present description of the program describes the objectives and terms of the program for the repurchase by Micropole of its own shares within the framework of the authorization granted to it by the Combined General Meeting of June 29, 2018.
1. Date of the Shareholders' Meeting that authorized the buyback program and decision to implement the program Authorization of the program: Combined Shareholders' Meeting of June 29, 2018Decision to implement the program: Board of Directors of September 26, 2018
 2. Number of shares and percentage of capital held by the issuer As of June 29, 2018, the Company's capital was composed of 28,786,951 shares. The Company holds 1,251,180 treasury shares by Micropole, i.e. 4.31% of the share capital, including 50,963 shares under a liquidity contract with an investment services provider.Â
3. Breakdown by purpose of the securities held directly or indirectly by the issuer As of June 29, 2018, Micropole holds: - 50,963 shares within the framework of a liquidity contract concluded with an investment services provider intended to stimulate the market or the liquidity of the share. - 1,251,180 treasury shares were allocated to cover securities giving the right to the allocation of Company shares by redemption, conversion, exchange, presentation of a warrant or in any other way within the framework of the regulations in force.
4. Objectives of the buyback program The objectives of this program are set in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and the market practices accepted by the AMF, and are as follows, in no order of priority: i. To intervene in the market in order to stabilize the price of the Company's shares or to ensure the liquidity of the Company's shares through an investment service provider via a liquidity contract that complies with the code of ethics recognized by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers; ii. To retain the shares purchased and subsequently tender them for exchange or payment in connection with any external growth, merger, demerger or asset contribution transactions, without exceeding the limit provided for in Article L. 225-209 paragraph 6 of the French Commercial Code in connection with a merger, demerger or asset contribution transaction; iii. To cover stock option plans and other forms of share allocation to employees and/or officers of the Group in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for by law, in particular in connection with profit-sharing, a company savings plan or the granting of bonus shares; iv. To cover securities giving entitlement to the allocation of shares in the Company by redemption, conversion, exchange, presentation of a warrant or in any other way within the framework of the regulations in force; v. To use surplus cash; vi. To stabilize the market price of the Company's shares by systematically acting against the trend.Â
 5. Maximum proportion of capital, maximum number and characteristics of shares that the company proposes to acquire and maximum purchase price The maximum purchase price is set at 1.93 euros per share (ISIN code FR0000077570). Micropole will have the option of acquiring a maximum of 5.69% of the number of shares making up its capital, this limit being assessed on the basis of the capital at the time of the purchases, which on September 26, 2018 corresponds to 1,648,715 shares. The maximum amount spent on these purchases may not exceed 3,182,020 euros.
 6. Duration of the buyback program This program is authorized for a period of eighteen months from June 29, 2018, i.e. until December 29, 2020. Financial calendar:Q3 2018 revenues: November 13, 2018Q4 2018 revenues: February 14, 2019 ABOUT MICROPOLE GROUP | www.micropole.comGroupeinternational consulting and innovative technologies, MICROPOLE is specialized in the fields of Digital Experience, Data Intelligence & Performance and Data Governance & Architecture. From its 16 offices located in Europe and China, the group supports its clients worldwide in all phases of their projects, from consulting to implementation, and in training. Micropole employs nearly 1,250 consultants, business experts and engineers, #INNOVATIVE PEOPLE with complementary skills. The group generates 30% of its revenues internationally and is listed on the Eurolist compartment C of Euronext Paris, Next Economy segment. Â
CONTACTS PRESSAgenceRumeur Publique | Vanessa Portois | 01 82 28 37 39 | micropole@rumeurpublique.frMicropole | Marina Hathorn-Benatar | 01 74 18 76 98 | mbenatar@micropole.com