2015 witnessed a recovery in Micropole's growth. As expected, following the implementation of the strategic plan, all the Group businesses and agencies have shown turnover growth during the period. 2016 has thus begun with favorable prospects, with particularly dynamic activity buoyed by the relevance of Micropole's focus on high-value added and complementary offers geared to Digital and Data.
Micropole, an international group in innovative digital technologies and consulting, achieved solid organic growth of 6.9% during FY 2015. The annual turnover thus stands at 98.1 million euros, as opposed to 91.8 million euros attained over the same period last year. The fourth quarter showed acceleration of 9.2 % in growth to stand at 27.4 million euros. Like-on-like, the 2015 turnover is up 4.6%. Again like for like, the fourth quarter turnover variation reached +7.2%.
Improvement in all businessesÂ
All the group's businesses showed growth in 2015. This concretizes the implementation of the Group strategic plan which enables Micropole today to offer extremely complementary services, perfectly in line with new customer needs. Thus:
- Performance Management, underpinned by cutting-edge services centered on Big Data and Financial Performance has particularly improved, as has the Consulting business.
- The expected development from the Digital Transformation business has also gathered momentum. The high investment of 2015 destined to partner the ramping-up of the Wide brand in France as well as Switzerland has borne fruit with the opening of many customer accounts.
- The Data Governance offer, on which Micropole is a leader in Europe, recorded notable progression, supported by the strategic interest of Business and IT management in the quality and added-value of their data.
Progression of all countries
All of the geographical zones where the Group is present recorded growth over the period:
- Business in France (Paris and Regions) continues its progress (+3%), with a particularly dynamic last quarter 2015. After several financial years of growth, the business share of the Regions now accounts for almost 31% of France sales. Â
- Switzerland confirms the expected recovery, linked to the launch of the Wide brand at the beginning of the second half-year 2015, and the favorable effect of high exchange rate variations.Â
- Benelux, which has consistently achieved growth for many years, continues to show high growth (+24%), sustained by the enhancement of its Performance management and Data Governance services, and by the opening of new customer accounts.
- China has progressed by almost +30% over the year, due to the winning of significant contracts with both Chinese and Western corporations.Â
2016 has begun with favorable prospects for Micropole. The digital revolution involves all corporations across all business sectors. At the heart of this issue, Micropole is in a position to partner its customers from upstream consulting phases through to operational implementation. The Group is also constantly working on the strengthening of its Data and Digital-geared innovation capacities and on the definition of a new business model.
" The recovery in growth over all our entities confirms the relevance of our focusing strategy initiated in 2014. We approach this year feeling optimistic about the sustainable pursuit of Group growth ", commented Christian Poyau, CEO of the Micropole Group.