
1st Half Year Turnover: €57.8 M, Up 3.2% Like-for-like

In m€Consolidated non-audited figures 2020 2019* Variation 2019published
Turnover Q131.128.4+9.5%29.0
Turnover Q226.727.6-3.2%28.4
Turnover H/Y157.856.0+3.2%57.4

*restated from the divestment of Micropole Learning Solutions – MLS – which occurred on February 17th 2020

Micropole, an international consulting and innovative technologies Group, specialized in Data & Digital Experience, achieved a turnover of 57.8 million euros over the first half-year 2020, an increase of 3.2% over the 56 million euros attained over the same period in 2019 (figures restated from the divestment of Micropole Learning Solutions – MLS – which occurred on February 17th 2020). Like-for-like, the turnover has increased by 1.9%.

Impact of Covid-19 on the second quarter 2020

At the end of the second half-year, the turnover stood at 26.7 million euros as opposed to the 27.6 million euros achieved over the same period in 2019 excluding MLS (-3.2%). Like-for-like, the decrease in turnover stands at 4.5%. Over the whole quarter, the decrease in business in relation to the pre-Covid situation is


In France, the turnover shows an 8% decrease over the quarter. The drop is 8.7% like-for-like in Switzerland. Belgium suffered little impact from the crisis and continues its high-growth dynamic at 27%.

Continuation of the commercial relaunch effort

During the period, Micropole suffered from the impacts of the Covid-19 epidemic, but demonstrated its capacity to absorb the shock of the crisis, both at the operational as well as the financial level. The Group was able to adapt in the face of this extraordinary situation, implementing all the protective measures to ensure the health of its employees. The resilience of the operational capabilities of the Group, the expertise of its teams and the complementarity of its offers enabled it to continue to serve its customers with efficiency and agility.

To confront the sudden drop in business and to partly attenuate the cost of the teams’ under-activity, Micropole had recourse to the partial employment plan from March, but progressively reduced its recourse to these systems as projects picked up.

State-guaranteed loans were taken out to the amount of 5 million with the main banking partners, thus enabling the Group to further secure its financial situation.

Towards a progressive return to business levels

The commercial activity is still showing a wait-and-see attitude on the part of customers, clearly more pronounced in the regions, with nonetheless more dynamic segments, especially with regard to Cloud offers. Highly disrupted in April and May, orders have shown clear improvement since June.  

In addition, Micropole pursues its measures of adapting its cost structures to the new economic situation. Impacted by the lockdown measures and then by a drop in demand, the Group is expecting a gradual return to the previous levels of business during the second half-year, and is preparing itself with this prospect in mind.

In the current context, Micropole maintains its mid-term ambitions, particularly that of profitability, but is not formulating annual financial objectives for FY 2020.

Next financial date: Wednesday, September 23th 2020

for the publication of the first half-year income statement.


