
1St Half-Year 2010 Turnover Up 8.1 % To €50.6 M

MICROPOLE, a European company specialized in the fields of Business Intelligence, Web & IT, ERP and CRM, achieved a consolidated turnover of €5.6 m over the first half-year 2010, representing growth of over 8% compared to 2009 , for which the first half-year turnover was €46. 8 m.  

On a like-for-like basis, MICROPOLE achieved a 49.3  million euro turnover over the first half-year 2010, an increase of 7.4% in relation to the first  half-year 2009. The like-for-like turnover for the second half-year 2010 was €25.5 m, up 7.6% on the previous year.   

A first half-year in keeping with our expectations, showing significant organic growth 

The first half-year 2010 for the MICROPOLE group indicates the return to significant organic growth in turnover, as had been anticipated. Moreover, MICROPOLE is considerably outperforming the market, as Syntec growth estimates for 2010 are between 0 and 2%.  

The MICROPOLE Business Intelligence division, hit by the tough economic context during the 2009 severe market slowdown, rebounded in 2010 to regain its former growth levels, evidence of the reawakening of corporate interest in investment in decision support IT.  

The group continues to see growth in the Web & IT businesses, which include e-business and business applications. E-business in particular remains, more than ever, a market boosted by the constant increase of equipping rates and by the strong development of on-line trade. 

 All the regional agencies in France, which now account for 15% of overall turnover, have delivered excellent performance over the first half-year  2010, with an average growth rate of over 20%. Similarly, the training business recorded almost 20% growth, confirming the relevance and maturity of our offer in both Business Intelligence and e-learning project partnering.  

The ERP business, as well as that of Switzerland, has been less dynamic over the first half-year. However, this analysis must be viewed in the light of the strong regular growth achieved over the preceding periods, which makes for an unfavorable basis for comparison.   

New means and a new image to reflect the Groups’ dynamism 

The first half-year 2010 witnessed an important stage in the MICROPOLE group’s development with the transfer of all the Paris sites to new premises located in Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine), as well as an image overhaul.  

The new premises, more modern, better equipped, and ideally located, have enabled us to reunite all the Parisian Consulting and Integration staff in a single location, except for the training business which remains Paris-based. Furthermore, the Rhône-Alpes agency, based in Lyon, also moved to new premises during the first half-year. 

In line with our drive towards enhanced coherence and visibility, and in order to reinforce our image in our customers’ eyes, the group will hereafter be presented under the simplified name of MICROPOLE.  The goal of differentiating the group was behind the definition of a new baseline* and logo. 

 « The improvement in our business in 2010 which we had anticipated has materialized over the first half-year. Once again, our positioning on high value-added and differentiating services has been a key element in this improvement. As regards the second half-year, we maintain our purposeful approach even though key decision-makers remain cautious in terms of investment. Our financial situation remains healthy, despite the high investment linked to our move and the overhaul of the MICROPOLE image. We therefore remain more than ever committed to the acquisition of teams or companies which fit with our long-term strategy » comments Christian Poyau, CEO of MICROPOLE.  


